With awareness, reality shifts”.

(don Miguel Ruiz)

 My name is Haleh and I firmly believe in these four simple words. In my opinion, everything starts with awareness. Then you have the choice to look away or consciously choose the difficult path and work to achieve something very beautiful, namely; a better version of yourself.

If you are reading this then you have chosen the better version of yourself.

Welcome to “Wish you More“.

Where I wish you all the peace, happiness, sunshine, harmony, love and energy.



My Mission;  
to restore your energy balance and enriching your quality of life by

 accepting your illness, mourning and learning to turn negative thoughts into position”

The dream of having my own practice started with a very curious nine-year-old girl. This girl wanted to know why the people around her think and behave the way they do and why are they so different from each other. As a nine-year-old girl, I noticed how conscious some people are in life and others are not. And the effect of consequences on their lives.  Life has taken me on many up’s and down’s journeys.

Around the age of twenty I went to therapy for the first time to start my own journey to awareness. Being conscious in life is hard work and you discover something new about yourself every day that you can develop.

Only after my forties did I feel that the time was right to start my own practice. have lived in different countries, I am married, have a beautiful son, have my psychology degree and have 15 years of experience in addiction and substance abuse, Mental health care and Coaching in which I still enjoy working. A strong and stable foundation for my own practice.

Almost 10 years ago I got diagnosed with an incurably illness, for me this was the most difficult awareness process I have experienced in my life. Over the years, the definition of ‘incurably ill’ has taken on various forms.

It seemed to be my entire existence: an infinite mountain of sadness, a painful backpack full of stone and a nightmare full of despair. After many years of soul searching, mindfulness and therapy the acceptance started, it changed from a bitter memory of a long time ago into my most valuable life lesson. From experience I know that getting diagnosed with an illness brings fear, hopelessness, sadness, despair and emptiness in your life.

I am happy to help you in your search for awareness.

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel.

Don't wait any longer, get in touch!